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Why Summer is the Best Time to Replace Your Heating System

Most of us don’t give any thought to our heating systems this time of year. We’re all so relieved to be rid of the cold weather and are looking forward to enjoying the warm summer months in Maine! However, this is actually the perfect time to think about heating your house next winter. There are LOTS of advantages to getting your replacement heating system installed during the summer months.

If your heating system is more than 15-20 years old, it’s time to start planning for a replacement system.

Here are the big advantages to replacing your old boiler or furnace during the warm weather:

You will save a lot of money.

Everyone enjoys saving money, and on a big investment like your home’s heating system, your savings can be substantial. If your heating system bites the dust in the middle of winter, you will require immediate service. This means paying emergency repair rates, and those are much higher than a company’s standard hourly rate for scheduled installations.

The cost of many heating units can be lower in the summer because they are not in high demand. Also, many manufacturers offer additional rebates and discounts for purchasing new heating systems in the warmer months so they can move their inventory.

There’s no impact on your comfort.

Having a new heating system installed during the summer months will ensure that you have no disruptions to your heat when you need it the most.

You will have time to consider options.

When you plan ahead for a new heating system to be installed in the summer, you have the luxury of discussing all your options with your installer. Your home may require a larger, or even smaller, unit than what you currently have. Perhaps it makes sense for you to change fuel sources for your new system. Maybe you should add to or change the layout of your registers when you install a new system. You also have a much better selection of manufacturers and equipment when you have extra time to wait for a special order to arrive. All these factors can be considered thoughtfully and thoroughly when you have time on your side.

When you require immediate furnace or boiler replacement in the wintertime you don’t have a lot of time to consider all your options. You may be stuck purchasing what equipment in in stock because you can’t wait the days or weeks for an order to come into the dealer. It’s a shame to spend so much money on a less than ideal system just because you can’t wait or don’t have the time to do extra research.

It’s WAY more convenient.

If you need to install a new heating system in the winter months, you are hitting installers in the middle of their busiest time of year. You will have to deal with scheduling challenges, and accept whatever openings the company has. During the summer, heating contractors welcome new business and can be more flexible to work with your schedule.

Let one of our trained technicians help you decide what system will best serve your heating needs – and estimates are always FREE! We’d love to get you on our schedule this summer! Contact us!