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10 To-Do’s for Your HVAC Fall Checklist

HVAC Fall Checklist – In this area of the country, our HVAC equipment is never more important than in the cold months. We often talk about getting heating equipment ready for winter, but there are several other items that should be on your DIY HVAC Fall Checklist:

frozen pipes HVAC Fall Checklist

1 – Clear away and clean up any debris around your exterior units and vents.

Digital Thermostat HVAC Fall Checklist

2 – Turn off your outdoor faucets, consider installing a frost-proof fixture.

3 – Install a Programmable Thermostat for more efficient heating.

4 – Clean your heat registers and vents to keep dirt out of your system.

5 – Consider insulating your attic, at least the floor, and save 10 – 15% on energy costs.

6 – Seal cracks and gaps in windows and doors with caulk or weather stripping and save as much as 10% on energy costs.

dirty filter HVAC Fall Checklist

7 – Set a reminder in your calendar to check and replace your furnace filters every month.8 – Clean your humidifier, drain pans and check hoses for drainage.

9 – Get your chimneys professionally cleaned and inspected.

10 – Check all smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, replace batteries, and make sure you have them installed throughout your house.

And that’s the top 10 most important things to do to prepare your home for Winter in the Fall! If you feel like you might need more than just your standard DIY check, don’t hesitate to contact Gelinas HVAC for an inspection.