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6 Steps to Installing a New HVAC System

If your A/C has been limping through this summer or you know your heating system is on its last leg, it’s time to face the fact that this HVAC equipment needs to be replaced. This time of the year, in between cooling and heating seasons, is the perfect time to replace it while HVAC companies are less busy, and before you will need the system in the immediate future. The worst thing is to find you need to replace your system when you need it most!

HVAC systems are big investments, representing one of the largest costs in a household, so it’s not something to rush into. It’s also not something you should tackle yourself. Work with a professional to determine what system is right for your home and lifestyle. They will know how to help you choose the right system for your unique needs. And they will do the installation correctly so that it is safe to run for many years to come.

Here are the steps a licensed, professional HVAC company will follow when installing a new HVAC system:

  • Assess Your Specific Needs
  • Correctly Size Your New System
  • Suggest the Most Energy-Efficient Products
  • Examine Current Ductwork & Registers
  • Determine the Best Placement for New System
  • Ensure that the New HVAC System is Running Smoothly

Assessing Your Needs

Just like individual HVAC systems, every home and family runs differently as well. Your technician should definitely take the time to find out how you use your HVAC. Details such as someone working from home, plans for an addition or remodel, and any special needs of occupants should be part of the conversation. They should ask if anyone in the home suffers from asthma or severe allergies so that filtration and air quality features can be considered more carefully.

Determining the Correct Size of Your New System

Not all HVAC systems fit the specific size of your house or business. Bigger isn’t actually better, nor is under-sizing a system in the hopes of saving on equipment costs. The wrong size HVAC system will not have the best energy efficiency, provide less consistent comfort, and cause unnecessary wear and tear on the unit. Ultimately, it will shorten the lifespan of the system.

We determine the correct size system by conducting a load calculation, which determines the heat gain and loss in a building. Along with asking questions about particular demand and use of a system, your technician should run this calculation and explain their recommendations to you clearly.

Getting the Most Energy Efficient Products

There is no reason not to invest in the most energy efficient system you can get. You will use this equipment for 15 to 20 years, so investing in the highest energy efficiency you can save you considerable money in the long run. Make sure the company you are speaking with thoroughly explains the energy efficiency ratings of the units you are considering and how they differ between brands, sizes, and types. The energy efficiency factor is a very important part of choosing a new HVAC system.

Examine Current Ductwork and/or Registers

Before any new HVAC system is installed, the delivery mechanisms of your current system should be inspected and checked for reuse in the new system. Any damage to ductwork will need to be repaired. You should also have the ductwork cleaned to remove any debris or build up that is there. Forced water radiators and registers should be installed tightly and the piping sound. Any leaks through ductwork or poorly performing piping and registers will reduce your new system’s efficiency.

Determine the Best Placement of the New System

When you replace an HVAC system, it’s not an absolute that the new unit will go exactly where the current one is. If you are buying a much smaller or larger piece of equipment, you may need to find a new location for the best use of your space. Units such as heat pumps require an outside wall as well as interior wall for installation. Your technician should be discussing your options with you are part of planning out a new system.

Once you know what system you are going to install, be sure to get yourself and your home ready for the big day. Check out our Blog, Preparing for a New Heating System Installation, to help you prepare.

Ensure that the New HVAC System is Running Smoothly

Of course, once your new system is installed, your installation company should do a series of final checks and testing of the system to make sure everything is in working order and there are no leaks or issues. They should listen for any odd noises, make sure your thermostat is functioning properly, and check for consistent temperature throughout the building. They should also explain the operation of your new system completely to you and answer any questions.

Call the Pros at Gelinas HVAC

All of our air conditioning and heating technicians are licensed and trained on all the equipment that we install. We understand HVAC systems are a large expense, and we want you to spend your money wisely on a a system that will last you many years. Contact us to discuss your HVAC needs and schedule a FREE ESTIMATE with one of our experienced staff members.