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Heating Systems – Plan NOW to Save BIG in the Future!

Lately, we’ve been inundated with frantic calls from people who are finding their heating systems are cracked, leaking, or otherwise at the end of their life. Here they are during the holidays and heading into the midst of the heating season – the worst possible time to have a problem with your heating system! They all have one thing in common – their systems are 20+ years old, and they haven’t spent any time planning their replacement.

Nothing good comes from this scenario. As the saying goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail,” and it sure applies here. These individuals are now in an emergency situation which makes their options more limited, the stress of this major project heightened, and the expense of replacing their system very likely greater.

If your heating system is 15 years old or more, take time to plan for its replacement NOW

First, say a big “thank you” to the Universe that your current system is still holding on! Then, to determine what you might need by way of replacement by considering the following:

• How important is efficiency?

Will you be staying on the property? If so, then you want to consider a high-efficiency unit. If new utilities are an option, or the efficient system you desire requires converting to a new fuel source, plan the time and expense necessary for this significant upgrade.

• What size system will work best for your space?

If your current system is doing the job, then its size is likely adequate for your space and needs. If you are not as comfortable as you would like to be, then you need to find the right product for your current needs. A qualified heating contractor will help you determine this based on the square footage you are heating, the fuel source, and other factors.

• What is your budget?

Any major home or business expense comes down to budget. This is another great reason to be planning ahead – as a major expense, having some time to save up for the right heating system will make the investment much easier on your budget!

• What timing will work best for you and your family to have your system updated as this is a major and disruptive project!

We do our best to make the installation of new heating systems as painless as possible for customers, but it is still a BIG project. Obviously, it is ideal to make major overhauls during the off-season when your heating system is not in use. Also, consider times you may not be home as much to avoid the noise and traffic in and out of your basement. Perhaps it would be best to have the work done before your children are out of school for the summer, or while they are away at camp. Thinking through the timing for the project will also make it less disruptive to your household.

Our advice?

Set a reminder in your January calendar to give us a call and have one of our expert heating systems techs come meet with you to inspect your current system, and discuss the best options for you looking forward.  Our consultations and estimates are always FREE!  Take the time to plan now and you will save BIG in the future!