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New Year Resolutions for Your Home!

Annual heating system cleaning
New Year Resolutions

How are your New Year Resolutions coming along? Did you remember to include your home while you were making promises to improve, change or otherwise make progress on projects?! If not, let us help you set some:

#1       I resolve to get my heating and cooling systems inspected and cleaned annually. This will ensure my family’s safety, extend its lifespan, and improve efficiency. I will call Gelinas to help me!

saco maine HVAC services

#2       I resolve to get my chimneys inspected and cleaned. There are over 25,000 chimney fires annually in the US, responsible for over $125 million dollars in property damage, and I will not be one of those statistics!

#3       I resolve to fix any leaking pipes or plumbing fixtures. In the average residence, 22 gallons of water are lost to leakage each day, and the most common culprits are leaking toilets or dripping faucets. I will call Gelinas to schedule one of their expert plumbers to come fix my leaks!

#4       If my furnace is over 15 years old, I resolve in 2018 to have one of the professional heating technicians from Gelinas come consult with me so I can plan for its replacement. I don’t want to be caught off guard by a heating emergency!

Heatig system fresh start 
New Year Resolutions